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Taipei Headquarter
Phone: +886(02)2659-3688
Fax: +886(02)2659-4899
Address: 7th Floor, No. 56, Lane 316, Ruiguang Road, Neihu District, Taipei City, TaiwanHsinchu Office
Phone: +886(03)579-7987
Address: 14F-2, No. 270, Section 1, Guangfu Road, Hsinchu City, TaiwanTaichung Office
Phone: +886(04)2462-0188
Fax: +886(04)2462-0188
Address: 21F.-2, No.166-100, Sec. 3, Xitun Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, TaiwanTainan Office
Phone: +886(06)583-5088
Fax: +886(06)583-3299
Address: No. 87, Fuzhong Street, Xinshi District, Tainan City, Taiwan
Singapore Branch Office
Phone: +65-68266028
Fax: +65-68201190
Address: 81 Toh Guan Road East #05-01 SECOM Centre Singapore 608606
Provision Technology Asia Pacific